XML output

By default, qlicserver operates in a silent mode without output. Using the standard output=... parameter, the results of the query process can be saved in XML format. The output strongly resembles the qlicserver.config file contents. A sample output is given here, with interspersed comments:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?qlicserver date="2009-10-22T08:09:23"?>
    <qlicserver releaseDate="2009-10-12">
    <!-- adjustment:
         qconf -mattr exechost complex_values NONE global

The XML processing-instruction provides information about when the program was invoked. The XML comment summarizes the qconf adjustment that was imposed.

        <cluster name="demo" root="/opt/grid" cell="default"/>
        <time epoch="1256191763">2009-10-22T08:09:23</time>

The <query> section provides information about the host on which the program ran, the user who invoked the program. The <time> element contains information about when the program ran. This information can be useful if the values are being cached or to quickly determine when the program died. The extra [epoch] attribute is supplied for easier calculation with the Unix epoch instead of converting the ISO-8601 time format. Note that for backwards compatibility there is a certain redundancy here. The time information is also available in the XML processing-instruction.

        <env name="SGE_ROOT">/opt/grid</env>
        <env name="SGE_CELL">default</env>
        <env name="SGE_ARCH">lx26-x86</env>
        <env name="SGE_BINARY_PATH">/opt/grid/bin/lx26-x86</env>
        <param name="LM_LICENSE_FILE">@serv1</param>
        <param name="dir">/opt/grid/default/site</param>
        <param name="output">qlicserver.cache</param>
        <param name="qhost">qhost.cache</param>
        <param name="qstat">qstat.cache</param>

The <parameters> section contains both <param> elements and <env> elements. The <env> elements are only printed if they are set. If a value can be set as a parameter or taken from the environment (eg, LM_LICENSE_FILE), preference will be given to displaying the parameter setting.

        <derived name="starcd">

For general reference, the elements of any derived resources are given first.

        <resource name="abaqus" served="abaqus" total="12" extern="5" free="7">
          <user name="user1" host="host1" type="extern">5</user>
        <resource name="hexa" served="aihexa" total="2" free="2" type="track"/>
        <resource name="hyper" served="HyperWorks" total="0" type="track"/>

The resource distribution is given in a readable form. From this example, the total="0" shows that the HyperWorks license daemon was suffering from a slight problem at the moment.

        <resource name="starcd" total="28" limit="26" intern="24" waiting="12" free="2">
          <user name="user2" host="host2" type="intern">6</user>
          <user name="user3" host="host3" type="intern">6</user>
          <user name="user3" host="host4" type="intern">6</user>
          <user name="user3" host="host5" type="intern">6</user>
          <user name="user4" type="waiting">6</user>
          <user name="user3" type="waiting">6</user>

Information is not only provided about where a resource is being used, but also about the current demand. In this example, since the starcd resource is derived, there is no [served] attribute. Any job holds and execution after a particular time are ignored when building these values.

The <resource> attributes that may also be written:

    name    served  total   limit
    extern  intern  waiting free    type

Any extra notes and urgencies are not retained when displaying the resources.
