Obtaining the software

Source code is now under git version control and hosted online at GitHub. There are many ways to access, browse, clone or download the codebase, including methods for directly downloading .tar.gz or .zip archives for people who do not wish to install (or can’t use) git clients internally.

Official Releases

Official releases contain “Release YYYY-MM-DD” in the commit message. When available, they should be made available on the GridEngine Documents & Files collection as well.

Using Git

If you will be using git, you should consider working on your own (non-tracked) branch rather than the default master branch. This will greatly ease the effort to retain your own changes across version.

Single File Snapshot

For people in a hurry, there is also a very quick means of grabbing the most recent version of a single file:

    wget http://github.com/olesenm/flex-grid/raw/master/site/qlicserver